It's official. London 2012 has taken over my life. Who else loves the rush, the excitement, the patriotism of the olympics? It truly is an amazing event, and what makes it even more amazing is the almost super-human power the athletes display, showing amazing dedication, strength and skill in their sports. Impressive. But what is even more impressive is an athlete who can do that on a vegetarian diet, proving to the world that meat does NOT equal strength.
So todays inspirational celebrity is Lizzie Armistead, who was the first medal winner for Great Britian, when she won her silver medal for cycling.
Read more about her inspirational story on my Inspirational Celebrities tab, and feel free to tell me your views on London 2012!

So todays inspirational celebrity is Lizzie Armistead, who was the first medal winner for Great Britian, when she won her silver medal for cycling.
Read more about her inspirational story on my Inspirational Celebrities tab, and feel free to tell me your views on London 2012!