Monday, July 23, 2012

Babay Steps: How to wean yourself off meat

Most experts agree that, although it works for some, quitting meat cold turkey ussually results in a confused body and even withdrawal syptoms. So thats probably not the best way to become vegan or vegetarian. Thats where my baby steps plan comes in (I'm really excited I thought of this!!). The plan is to cut or substitute one thing each week (or twice a week if you are feeling totally hardcore.) Every week I'm going to post a suggestion as to what you can do to cut off that meat from your life, and also some sub-tips to do along with your main goal just for fun :)
So, we'll start with a relatively small one today:

Today, I pledge to eat the veggie burger instead of the beef or chicken.

This one is quite simple because veggie burgers are so delicious, and in many burger joints they do have that option. Veggie burgers are not only minus the cruelty, but they also have loads of other one-ups on beef or chicken burgeres like:

1. Lower in fat and calories!
Woop woop! Who doesn't like to hear those words? In fact many beef burgers contain 10g or more of fat, and the vegetable alternatives average at 3 or 4g- less than half!

2. Rich in fibre
Fibre comes from the cellulose found in the cell wall of evrery plant cell- so every veggie burger is packed with fibre. The meat alternative-not so much.

3. Less cholesterol
Veggie burgers have significantly less "bad" cholesterol compared to their (especially red) meat alternatives. Actually, some ingredients in veggie burgers, like soy, contain phytochemicals that reduce the levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol in the body

So, the mini-goal this week is to choose the veggie burger over the meaat- this can also apply for any other veggie alternative! To help you, theres a delishh veggie burger recipe from Cooking Light on my recipes page!

Stay green, Love life

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Been gone long

Hey, I haven't posted anything here in ages and that's cos I had a bit of a personal crisis, of meat-eating porportions :/ i'm not talking a full U-turn back into my meat-eating ways. No. More like a temporary stint with chicken. Needless to say I was quite ashamed of myself and felt like a hypocrite, but when I think about my cause its still as strong as ever, whether I've eaten chicken or not. I do, however need to appreciate the discipline and passion it takes to be veggie and I just want to give a massive green salute to all my peeps out there who have gone years without eating meat. For me, its been almost 2 years, and they certainly have not been perfect (I have given into the temptation on more than one occasion) but it is still a belief I hold very dear to my heart and I will always continue to strive for that total meat-free perfection-actually, all-animal-product-free perfection, because that is what I see as strength, as passion and as the truest form of love for animals.